Today was another frustrating day.
First, trying to rush William out the door this morning. Despite prepping him yesterday, making him go to bed early at 20:00 and waking him he still dragged his feet this morning. At one point I found him laying on the couch in the dark. I yelled at him, and he got up and went upstairs ostensibly to find socks - stayed up there for 10-15 minutes, doing what I will never know. Either lying down or playing with his legos. I was infuriated. I dressed, fixed his lunch, took Luke out, fed Luke, fed Kitty Baby all in the time it took him to get dressed. I think stood and watched him brush his teeth and brush his hair. He has no sense of priority, no rush, no hurry. I wanted to thrash him. It's so frustrating to see. He's old enough where he understands the idea of consequences, of cause and effect. He understands the words I'm saying, and the directives, but he doesn't translate it to action. My words mean nothing to him, he just doesn't give a fuck. Oh he'll act like he's sorry, he'll droop his shoulders and look forlorn and bruised but he doesn't change his actions at all. Nothing changes.
This afternoon on the way home after picking him up from aftercare I asked if he had his math studyguide. His math teacher, Ms. Austill, sent parents an email yesterday giving us a heads up that she would be sending the students home with a study guide to prepare them for their math test tomorrow. You know this boy told me he left his blue math folder at home. Said that he didn't hear Ms. Austill tell them to take it home. I'm so sick of his scholastic laziness. Sick of it. I've yelled, I've fussed, I've guilted, I've lectured... he gets upset, he cries, and says I'm so mean yet here we are... not giving a fuck. I've already restricted ipad use to only weekends. So I kept him home from soccer. He was supposed to have soccer practice today, and I told him that since he doesn't take school seriously he doesn't need to be playing soccer. That school is more important than soccer is, and that since he left his math folder at school that he'll take the time he would have been at practice to practice on his math. Logged him into iReady and he did 30 minutes of math. After that I made him read for 30 minutes. That's an hour. He was sad about missing soccer but I told him that school is a priority. If he wants to do fun things he needs to be more serious about school. I hope that works. I can't afford him to be stupid like his daddy. My greatest mistake in life was pairing with that man. I cannot fathom how much my association with him has tainted and soured the promise of my life path.
I don't want him to grow up to be yet another useless ass man. A liability.
This single mom shit is hard. There is so much to do and not a lot of time available to do it. Paying bills, homeowner shit, william school shit, extracurricular shit, work shit, taking care of my self shit, housework shit, yard work shit, car shit, dog shit, cat shit. Hell it's been a year and I still have boxes that need unpacking!! I don't have the available resources to confront each thing, I. am. tired. My default is tired. Even if I get a nice day of relaxation to myself, by Tuesday I'm exhausted again. When will I get my feet under me, when will things straighten out?
Sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm tired of complaining. I'm exhausted and fed up, exasperated. I don't even want to talk about it, because whyyyyy. To what end? It isn't going to change anything. My life isn't going to improve by dumping my thoughts and worries and mental burdens on someone else. They can't help me. I don't want to be someone to pity or feel sorry for. Yeah, single mom life is kicking my ass but this is temporary. The turn is right around the corner, things are going to improve. Things are going to change. How? I don't know. William will become more responsible - he'll be proactive in his things, completing his chores and doing his school work/studies. His grades will improve, so I can stop paying for a tutor. My car a/c will get fixed. My HVAC system will be cleaned and maintained. I'll get new flooring in my bedroom so the ratty carpet will begone. I"ll get someone to pick up this damn dining room table, clearing space out of the dining room and giving me room to tackle those boxes of books. I'll promote to major, giving me a raise. Mom's 401k. The Italy house stuff.
I dream of having someone to share these responsibilities with, but I honestly can't imagine living with someone. Having another adult in my house with me, sharing my space with them? All my secrets, the weird shit I do in the evenings before bed when no one else is around to see. I haven't met that person.