Friday, October 26, 2018

Hello Stranger

Well well would you look who’s here. I forgot this thing was still here! The very last post was about finding out that I was pregnant. Wow. Funny how things change. Don’t worry, I’m not interested in condensing six years worth of life events.

I had shared an interesting news headline with a friend, it was about “singing” coming from polar ice as it melted. The notion resonated with me and I imagined that the melting ice was uncovering a prehistoric remnant that would bring harm to humanity. I think there was an episode of x-files with a similar premise; something frozen in ice that was unleashed and started killing people. I sent the story to him, and we started talking about writing. He’s a writer, or he ought to be writing but he doesn’t. And I am an imaginative person, but not a writer. But I think it would be fun to chronicle my ideas. So here I am!

Well, not right at this moment. I’m too sleepy to attempt anything right now.

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