Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy News!!

Sorry for disappearing there. I'm still getting used to this whole "blogging" thing, and it's really hard to come home after work and write something coherent and interesting.

I had a great weekend. My mom flew in this weekend, and we got to spend some time together. I haven't seen her in person since early September. Even though we skype almost weekly, it's still difficult. Skyping helps, but it's still not seeing her in person. We didn't do much, really, just kind of hung out at home. I showed her my crochet creations, and the painting I'm working on. I shared some great news with her, which I'll share here...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Book Review: Green Rider, by Kristen Britain

I've recently started attending a "book club", held by a locally owned bookstore. The rules are simple; read what you like, and then talk about it. We meet up once a month, sit in a circle and one-by-one we review whatever books we may have read since the last meeting.  I think I might start sharing some of my book reviews here as well.
Green Rider is fantasy genre. I hate to call it YA, just because of the recent slew of lackluster YA books that have come out recently, but call a spade a spade.  I'd say it's appropriate for 6th grade and up, but it's cleverly written so that it isn't too dull or simplistic to satisfy an adult.
It tells the tale of Karigan G'ladheon, a young girl/adolescent running away from school (I don't know why apostrophes are so popular in fantasy.) Karigan comes from a merchant family, and had a run-in with a kid from an aristocratic family. Said kid pulled some strings, and Karigan ended up wrongfully suspended from school. She's upset, decides to run home from school to tell her father in person what happened.